Yesterday I went in for my egg retrieval and I am happy to report that they retrieved 14 eggs! This morning they called with a fertilization report and 10 out of the 14 fertilized. This is amazing news!
Some of you might recall that last time, they only retrieved 5 so I started off with lower odds of success. The change in protocol seems to have worked in getting me to produce more mature follicles this go around. The quantity doesn’t dictate the quality, but at least I have more to work with.
The next few days will dictate what happens next in terms of transfer date. They monitor the embryos and make decisions on whether I’ll do a day 3 or day 5 transfer. It will also allow us to see how many actually would make it to day 5 for freezing. Even though I had 4 fertilize in September, none made it to freeze (I transferred two). I am cautiously optimistic about my chances this time around.
I am happy with the results so far and can’t wait to hear more of the fertilization reports in the next couple of days. Hopefully there’s only more good news to come.