Starting to get Anxious

Wednesday morning I go in to the doctor’s office. It’s been 2 weeks since I’ve been there and that feels like a huge break!

That appointment will be my official start to IVF. Besides the standard ultrasound and blood work, I’ll be meeting with the nurse to go over the meds protocol. I have to bring 1 of everything, so that she can walk me through exactly how to prepare and give myself each of the shots. That’s pretty heavy duty. It wasn’t so long ago that I was stressed about the Gonal F shot and now I’ll be doing 3-4 different shots a day!

I’m anxious, but also ready to get this underway. Hopefully 2 weeks from now I’ll have been through the retrieval and will have had lots of good embryos for the transfer. After all these last few months of feeling like I had become an expert, I have tons of new stuff to learn.

One thought on “Starting to get Anxious”

  1. fingers crossed for you, Sharon. i’ve been following your journey and so appreciate your writing and your honesty.

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