Meds, Payment Options, and Moving Forward

When I went to the first consult back in February, I had two options I wanted to discuss. The first was the path I ended up taking: moving forward with having a child on my own. The second was egg freezing. As the doctor talked to me about the egg freezing process, it became clear to me that it was basically IVF up through the retrieval process. At the time I decided I didn’t want to put my body through IVF and I didn’t want to go through it all alone.

I guess I made a valiant effort at avoiding IVF, but here I am. The upside is that if I end up with extra embryos, they’ll be frozen for future use.

It’s been nice to not be on clomid this month and to be giving myself somewhat of a break. With work being as stressful as it has been and me needing to travel next week, I guess timing was in my favor.

I did receive my meds, which was quite overwhelming. I feel like I have a whole pharmacy in my house.

My meds for about 10 days, not including oral medication.
My meds for about 10 days, not including oral medication.

I also made the decision on payment. After a lot of thought, I’ve decided to go with a multi package option. It was a tough choice because I felt it was being pessimistic, but at the end of the day this journey thus far has taught me that things don’t go they way you expect. Many women on the SMC forum said that even when they got pregnant on the first IVF, they never regretted paying for the multi package.

Everything is all set now for me to simply wait for September 2nd when I start stimulation. The date of the retrieval is not defined because it’s based on my response to the meds, but it’s tentatively September 13th which is the eve of Rosh Hashana. I’m hoping to kick off the new year with some miraculous news!

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